PT. Sigma Rekayasa Prima offers a diverse Core Services, including Engineering Products, Site Service (Parts and Service) that supported by good After Sales Service and Maritime (Shipbuilding and Docking). With our Core Services above, our customer were able to get a high-quality engineering, reliable maintenance, and efficient product that lower the maintenance cost and boost the productivity.
Custom-designed and mass-production of products and solutions for Heavy Industrial, Mining, Maritime and Oil & Gas.
On-site maintenance, major and minor repairs, linerboring & facing, and service recondition support.
Comprehensive post-delivery assistance ensuring optimal equipment performance in the customer.
Specialized marine repair, recondition, components and systems for barge and tugboat.
Experience the highest quality fabrication, manufacturing, and engineering design services.
Coal Body
Coal Body
Coal Body
Coal Body
Coal Body
Coal Body
Overburden Body
Overburden Body
Lube Truck
Lube Truck
Lube Truck
Fuel Truck
Fuel Truck
Fuel Truck
Water Truck
Water Truck
Water Truck
Water Truck
Water Truck
Water Truck
Waterfill Pump
Waste Oil Tank
Fuel Skid Tank
Fuel Tank
Lube Station Container
Tower Lamp
Mega Tower Lamp
Conveyor Belt
Conveyor Belt
Low Bed Trailer
Fuel Tanker
2024 | SIGMA Rekayasa Prima